• Who is eligible to participate?

    Ram Food Recovery is intended to support members of our campus community who are experiencing food insecurity. Anyone with a valid CSUID number can register on the home page.
  • How will I know where to go to pick up food?

    At the end of catered events, a text alert will be sent to all subscribers with pick-up location, time, and menu items available.

  • Do I need to bring my own container?

    Participants are asked to bring a CLEAN container or plate to collect food leftover from catered events. Catering staff and participants will need to follow health protocols.

  • How do I unsubscribe?

    Just reply STOP to any of the Ram Food Recovery text messages and you will be removed from the distribution list

  • Are there other programs that address food insecurity and basic needs?

    Visit the Rams Against Hunger website for additional information on food insecurity programs at CSU. The Case Management Basic Needs website includes additional resources for housing insecurity, community resources, and more.